A couple quick thoughts about an incredible Easter weekend at Centerpoint:
Actually, it started on Palm Sunday when dozens of adults responded to embrace the reality of the cross rather than the shadow of ritualistic religion. That morning in Promiseland, nine children accepted Christ as their Savior, along with several students from our ReGeneration student ministry that night. I talked and prayed with one father after the service who had been burdened to pray for his child until 2 a.m. that morning only to find out when he was leaving the service, his child had accepted Christ!
We opened Easter weekend with a Good Friday service where we worshiped together and reflected on Christ’s brutal sacrifice in the short film, Who Killed Jesus?. Then, we remembered the cross and what it means for us through communion. It was powerful to hear how God moved in hearts through this time of reflection.
On Easter Sunday we celebrated an event that happened in history – the resurrection. It was the largest attendance we have ever had at Centerpoint because YOU invested & invited. We had to add chairs to the worship center two separate times and each of those chairs represented people who were impacted and radically changed by the Gospel. Many adults accepted Christ, a father and his two daughters recommitted their lives to Christ, and the Holy Spirit clearly moved in the hearts of many others.
If someone were to ask me what we did that was “special” this year for Easter, I really wouldn’t know what to say. No special lights added. No special set. No special giveaways. We just prayed, invested & invited, removed as many of the unnecessary barriers to Jesus as we could, and proclaimed the Gospel clearly. God did His thing.
We pretty much do that every week. God pretty much did what He’s been doing every week - changing lives!
Now it’s your turn. If you had a friend visit with you this week, then use this as an opportunity to ask them what they experienced. It may open up a conversation about Jesus. A new series starts Sunday called Storytellers which is another great time to invite someone.
Lastly, thank you to those who served this past weekend. You didn’t park cars, greet guests, serve in the café, play music, do A/V, hold babies, take care of children, lead small groups…instead, you became a bridge to the power of Jesus Christ changing people’s lives!
The best is yet to come…
Bryant Golden