One of the big questions about Christianity is how did it get out of the first century? How did a struggling movement centered around a dead guy ever make it out of Jerusalem? Furthermore, how did a band of insurrectionists and misfits who were cowering to school girls in courtyards (Peter) hours before Jesus’ crucifixion suddenly become ferocious with the message of Jesus? And not only did the message make it out of Jerusalem; it divided history, toppled the greatest power of the known world (Rome), spread across every socio-economic line, and eventually dominated the entire globe.
And here we are… The name of Jesus is recognized and known worldwide like no other name. How does that happen? Two words: The resurrection! The resurrection of Jesus turned cowards into fearless communicators of the good news of Jesus. It’s what led them, at the expense of their life, to pray this astonishing prayer shortly after Jesus’ ascension in Acts 4:29: “Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.” They didn’t pray for protection; they prayed for boldness. It’s the reason the world will celebrate and gather around the name of Jesus this Easter.
Today, because of their boldness, most of us will never face that kind of persecution in our part of the world. In contrast, we have an incredible opportunity to speak out about Jesus, but it still requires courage. We have been invited into this unstoppable movement known as THE CHURCH and our mandate is clear. It’s time to BE BOLD…
- EASTER EXTRAVANGANZA this Saturday from 12-3 pm. This is not about Easter egg hunts, food, and bounce houses. This is a bridge for people to be introduced to what THE CHURCH is about. And by the church, we mean the people!
- GOOD FRIDAY, April 6th at 7 pm. We will have a chance to remember the events of Good Friday through an extended time of worship in music and Communion.
- EASTER SUNDAY, April 8th at 9 am and 11 am. With two services, we have created more space for everyone to invite freely and to witness “the power of God for salvation” in many lives.
- PRAY FOR BOLDNESS each night at 7 pm. We are asking CC’ers throughout the community to join us each night at 7 pm, wherever you are, and pray specifically for boldness as we invite and for God to powerfully transform lives this Easter.
- For more details, invites, and volunteer sign ups, go to .
This past weekend, a man named Joe approached me and said he was on an international flight in December when someone told him about CC. He decided to attend one of our Christmas services and has been coming regularly ever since. What he said next was a reminder to me about what’s at stake every week and why I’m praying for boldness this Easter: “You just have to know that my life has changed over these past two and a half months, and I just want to say thank you.”
We all have friends, neighbors, co-workers, family members, work-out partners, school friends, and others who don’t know Jesus. Because Jesus first loved us, we can love them. It’s time to be BOLD and