Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Strengthen & Expand

We at CC are still a relatively new gathering…an expanding church led by a ferociously dedicated team of Bridge Builders and the best team of leaders you’ll find anywhere. Throughout 2011 and into 2012, we have sought to mirror Isaiah 54:2: Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. We started praying Sun Stand Still prayers and asking God to burden our hearts to not be able to stand the fact that there are so many people (approximately 60,000) in our area who need the message of radical grace offered by Jesus. We also prayed that God would “strengthen our stakes” by seeing Christians grow in their passion for God’s glory revealed in their lives. A little over a year ago I wrote this in one of my blogs:

"There are thousands who have never really heard the message of the Gospel in our city and every year that number grows but what if that trend turned around?  As our faith grows and view of God expands, I believe we will see that happen. We will be willing to pray Sun Stand Still prayers because we can’t stand what is at stake. Our trust in God will be activated and our concern for the un-churched in our sphere of influence will be ignited. What could happen in our church and community if we prayed big?"

"Frankly, I have no idea what will happen, but I know how to find out. It starts with “God, we know you can, we are asking if you’re willing.”  

And we have just begun to see God move on our behalf. As we have prayed and followed His leading, we have watched God expand the borders of all things CC.  Many new people have made their way to our gathering and have been rocked by the power and presence of God’s Spirit.

There are seasons within the life of every church which, according to the New Testament, is not a building but a living organism. There are seasons to strengthen the stakes and wait on God to prepare for the next season of growth. As Andrew Murray says, Waiting on God ascribes to God the glory of being all to us. When we wait, we look up, and honor Him by letting Him know that we know what He knows–that Jesus is all we need! (1)

Then there are other seasons where we expand the stakes and, prompted by God’s leading, seek to see more people rocked by the power of God. I believe we have just entered into this monumental season.

So, if you consider yourself a part of our CC family, I want to invite you into this season of expanding our stakes. Not as a consumer but as contributor. Let’s make space to remember and continue to pray big. Serve faithfully as an indispensable part of this Body; be radically generous to keep the movement moving, and take time to invite others into the growing movement that is His church expressed through Centerpoint.

This Sunday, August 19th we launch our two service times at 9 and 11 am. This is the most strategic time to begin a second service as we start the new school year. We are looking forward to seeing both services grow throughout this fall. We have an incredible opportunity with an earlier service time as new families to the community are looking for a church home, individuals are coming back to church after the summer months, and many people are open to “trying out the church thing” again. I say this a lot, but a new series is the perfect time to invite. This is especially true as we start the series, “The Shocking Statements of Jesus”. Take the time to check out the series trailer and info online at, send an e-invite at, and hand out an invite card. Be bold! You have no idea what God will do.

Centerpoint Church is a Jesus church.  He is at the center of it all.  So, let’s fill these days with talk about Him…and believe that He will be made strong through us.

“…tearing down unnecessary barriers to the Gospel.”

Bryant (CC Bridge Builder)

(1)    Passion City