Friday, February 18, 2011

What I Can't Stand...

I love our church.
I’m not afraid to admit it. I can’t wait for each Sunday…worshipping God with Jake and the band, meeting new people, hearing someone’s story about how God has changed his or her life, witnessing a couple accept Christ as their Savior, or watching our volunteers in action as a bridge to the Gospel. To me, nothing is more rewarding.
I consistently walk away so inspired and overwhelmed by God’s grace. One Sunday in particular, new people were invited and attended, several people accepted Christ as their Savior, the worship was amazing, and God clearly moved.

Then it happened. I walked back into my office and saw this picture. I was reminded of the 60,000 people in our community who have no clue about what is going on at Centerpoint…the 60,000 who have never believed or have left the “church” at some point in their lives. And as great as the service was that morning, they were no closer to a relationship with Jesus.

I can hardly stand the thought of that. It keeps me restless and passionate for what needs done in our community.
I can’t stand the fact that this area has so many churches, many of which are reaching “church people”, while so many others have never heard the Gospel and are right outside our door. These are the people we come in contact with at the grocery store, in our neighborhoods, and at the gym. They are the people we do life with every day. So what do we do? Many of you are investing & inviting every week and people are coming and lives are being changed…but what else can we do? I believe a great place to start is by praying & fasting.

A couple of Sundays ago we looked at how praying Big Prayers…Sun Stand Still Prayers…activate our faith and move the heart of God. It’s so easy to get caught up in the immediate, sometimes small issues of life without ever thinking or praying big. We easily lose sight of what God wants to do in our world.
This is especially true in the arena of reaching unbelievers in our sphere of influence. If we’re not careful, we will drift into comfortable huddles with other believers without reaching or praying big for those around us.  Maybe we are intimidated or just caught up with life that we don’t think about it. But God has commissioned us to reach the lost and Centerpoint Church was started as, in part, a resource to help you do that.
The good news is that our church is growing. The bad news is the number of un-churched in our area is growing much faster. I can’t stand that.
But what if that trend turned around? As our faith grows and our view of God expands, I believe we will see that happen. We will be willing to pray Sun Stand Still prayers because we can’t stand what is at stake. Our trust in God will be activated and our concern for the un-churched in our sphere of influence will be ignited. What could happen in our church and community if we prayed big?
Frankly, I have no idea what will happen, but I know how to find out. It starts with “God, we know you can, we are asking if You’re willing”.  I believe this will be an incredible, life altering, church transforming journey as we get started praying our corporate and personal Sun Stand Still Prayers.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Let us know your personal Sun Stand Still Prayers and we look forward to the journey ahead!
Three of CC’s Sun Stand Still Prayers:
  1. Add a second service by the end of 2011.
  2. Begin an extension campus within three years.
  3. Reach 1,000 people in our community through CC.

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